2015. november 29. írta: KSK ∞



Infinite was back on our shores for two whole hours of performances, jam-packed with their classic and latest hits, special unit stages and memorable ment segments – partially done in English. The seven boys (Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, L and Sungjong) put their best foot forward despite some hiccups. Read on to find (x)clusive’s seven top impressions from the concert.


Show Started on Time, With 100 Fans Stuck at the Entrance

Or more, actually. The queues started early, where CAT1 ticket holders were seen lining up before 6PM, but a miscalculation on the time required for the bag-checks resulted in a large chunk of fans stuck at the entry way when the introduction VCR was being played. In a mad rush to get the fans into the concert hall, the security-checks picked up its pace, but the sudden influx of traffic as fans hurried to find their seats in the darken hall left the ushers flustered. We were given three different set of directions before we finally found our seat. Granted, the concert didn’t start on the right foot for us, but we were thankful that this was the one and only major hiccup.


Hoya’s Injury

Having injured his foot previously, Hoya sat out for a couple of the dance-heavy performances, apologizing to fans for not being able to put on a full-performance. Nonetheless, the said member tried his best to join in whenever he could, rapping live at the side of the stage and leading the cheer during their ment segment. It must be a frustrating experience, less for us and more for him, and we certainly wished him a speedy recovery!

Live Performances That Covered Classic Tracks and Latest Hits

One thing that impressed us deeply was the fact that their performances were done live, and the song list spanned from older, memorable tracks such as ‘Nothing’s Over’ and ‘Come Back Again’, to newer releases from their Reality album like as ‘Bad’ and ‘Walk to Remember’. Infinite showed that they have the capabilities to balance both dance and vocals with admirable stamina, as well as their versatility as an artiste for challenging a range of genres. The boys also performed new song ‘FOR YOU’ and the band-inspired piece came as a nice surprise.


Units + Solos = Double the Fun

With two subunits and two solo performances, Inspirits get to see a different side of their bias. Soloists Sunggyu and Woohyun drew cheers with ‘Kontrol’ and ‘Everyday’, two rock-inspired songs drawing completely different emotions. Infinite-H hyped the crowd up with their hip-hop dance-worthy tracks, where Dongwoo even did a mini dance break before the duo got down the stage to get closer with their fans. Last but not least, Infinite-F captured the audience’s hearts with their sweet vocals and little goodies prepared for their fans.

V-app Madness

Having idols run about on stage with a selfie stick wasn’t what we had in mind coming to the concert, but it was actually fun to see how they attempt to multitask, interacting with both concert-goers and online viewers for that thirty minutes. The added goofiness and hyperness as they introduced Singapore Inspirits to those streaming live on the V-app had us grinning. Taking the chance to roam about the stage, the members were simply having their own fun waving to the crowd, or squeezing into the mobile frame to the best of their abilities, or both, really.

Infinite Cheese With Infinite Members

The members might be charismatic performing to ‘Bad’, but they’re absolutely endearing during the ment sections! Dongwoo had us laughing with his antics, singing to random songs before breaking out into his signature laughter out of embarrassment. The members did not forget to show their love with loud shouts of ‘I love you, Singapore’, warming the fans’ heart, while L walked away with the cheesiest member award, as we could not forget his classic line: “Don’t forget I’m your darling L~!” Infinite also tried their best to interact with fans in English, despite its awkwardness, showed their efforts in wanting to communicate with their fans.


Fan Support, Support and More Support

Fan support events at any concerts are always memorable, and the same goes for INFINITE EFFECT, where a few fan support took place. We saw witty slogans raised during Woohyun’s solo stage, taking after the recent ghost-aegyo craze ‘I dream of a Woohyun solo’; Sunggyu fans treated him with a slogan congratulating him on his third year anniversary since his solo debut; there were also two other group fan support, where no one gets left out. Fan chants were also loudly heard throughout the whole concert, and it was a harmonious effort that echoed the singers’ vocals. One word: beautiful.


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