(x)clusive!: INFINITE takes ONE GREAT STEP in Malaysia
2013. október 25. írta: KSK ∞

(x)clusive!: INFINITE takes ONE GREAT STEP in Malaysia


This trip being Infinite’s second visit to Malaysia (the first trip was due to Golden Disk Awards 2013), no doubt brought much anticipation to Inspirits who had been patiently waiting for them. The wait is not for naught as Infinite returned to Malaysia with a full-fledged concert ‘INFINITE World Tour ONE GREAT STEP in Malaysia’.

A day before the concert, Infinite met the media and prepped those present on what to expect through the short twenty minutes press conference.

After a short introduction by all the members, the first question asked was with regards to their first impressions of Malaysia since this was their second visit to the country. Leader Sunggyu answered that Infinite’s first trip to Malaysia was in January due to the Golden Disk Awards 2013. He also said he was happy to be back in Malaysia thanks to the world tour as the fans here are simply amazing.


When asked about their song ‘Destiny’ and as to whether the song met their expectations or not, rapper Dongwoo commented that it was more than they expected. As such, they were really appreciative and thankful for the opportunity to shoot their music video in America’s Universal Studios as they were the first Korean group to receive the permission to film there. Dongwoo added that the experience was really an amazing one and he was really happy since ‘Destiny’ was well-received when it was released.

On their thoughts of having a world tour and how they felt when they kicked off their world tour in Seoul, Woohyun expressed that it was a touching moment for the group as it was something that they had been waiting for. He added that Infinite had been working really hard for this tour just so that everyone will have a good time at their concerts.


On their most memorable experience thus far since their world tour started, Dance Machine Hoya said that they had good memories and a great time at each and every stop they had. However, if he had to choose, he would choose Bangkok’s leg as the Inspirits there are more energetic as compared to the other countries they had visited.


As to whether Infinite had prepared a special stage for their Malaysia leg, Sungyeol responded that they had prepared solo stages and a special local song just for their fans in Malaysia (which was later revealed to be Rasa Sayang).

Moving on to the topic of their world tour, Sungyeol explained that the name of the tour, “One Great Step”, was inspired by Neil Armstrong’s famous phrase about taking “one small step”. He also talked about how they had been looking forward to a world tour to share and communicate with the world via music. Sunggyu added that “One Great Step” also means a great leap for Infinite as they travel around with this world tour.


When asked on their motivation to step on stage to perform, vocalist L shared that their motivation is definitely their fans since ultimately they are the ones that stay by their side through thick and thin.


Rehearsing for their world tour may no doubt be tiring and exhausting at times. Maknae Sungjong revealed that the members take Korean Ginseng as an energy booster. On how the individual members relief stress, Sungyeol shared that each member has their own individual method (through their hobby) and L’s way is to take photos.


With the members delving into different realms, when asked on what were the pros and cons when heading to individual schedules, Sunggyu expressed that the good thing was that they were able to show more colours of Infinite to their fans musically. However, the bad side of it was that he often felt lonely when going on schedules.

With 2013 coming to an end, Dongwoo revealed that Infinite will be coming back in early 2014 with a new album after their world tour to thank their fans who had supported them. Leader Sunggyu also chirped in that they will comeback with new colours and would like their fans to show them lots of love and support next year.


Lastly, King of Fanservice Woohyun ended off with a love note to their fans in Malaysia. “This is our second time in Malaysia and we will repay your love with our performances tomorrow. We are going to work really hard so do look forward to tomorrow. I love you. I really love you. Thank you.”

A big thank you to IME Productions for the opportunity to attend the Infinite “One Great Step in Malaysia World Tour” Press Conference! For more photos, do keep tabs and ‘like’ (x)clusive’sFacebook!

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